Friday, January 28, 2011


White foam of ocean
and folds herself
onto the black sand,
holding my
racing heart in
a ferocious embrace.

White spray
of dancing light
kisses my cheek
as she recedes in
salty patterns of lace.

White bone of my
polished now,
is free from mind's chase.

White orchid;
radiant flowering heart,
dances on a green
thread of divine connection,
arms opening in grace.

White horse
alights softly,
forelock cascading over eyes
deep with wisdom,
breath caressing my upturned face.

White moon rises,
forces of creative
light drawing
dormant love through
the unknown dark.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Heart drops open
in deepening
folds of rose velvet.

Tears glisten; tumbling,
pouring, pounding.

Dew remembers the essence
of the dream carried
by the storm.